The value of hitting the pause button…

The last few difficult months have caused most of us to hit the pause button at some point with disparate consequences. For those of us privileged enough to stay safe at home and still be able to be work it gave us the opportunity to assess how and why we do what we do.

Of course for many that pause button resembled an indefinite “closed sign” for their businesses.  I have witnessed valued clients, who are small business owners and charities, really struggling with their very existence. It is heartbreaking to know that people with vision and energy are at risk of losing all that they have built. But equally it has been inspiring to see creative, courageous pivots in business models that have won the support of their communities. This unleashing of creativity in the face of adversity has certainly not been confined to business.

Like many I needed to take time out to care for my family and help us all come to terms with the changes that this pandemic would bring to our daily lives. Life took on a new rhythm with different priorities. Slowly though, looking out from our little bubble, acknowledging the pain, fear and separation the world was experiencing, acts of courage, creativity and kindness inspired us. With isolation, we were moved to listen, learn, work and socialise in new ways and living remotely caused us to question what it means to be connected to our communities.

As we move forward some of lives will possibly return to ‘normal’ sooner than others. But perhaps, if we can be bold enough for a minute to anticipate a post-pandemic world, we might find some lasting value in hitting the pause button. To take a moment to reassess our purpose, be courageously creative, discover a deeper level of empathy and discover new ways to connect with and inspire our communities.


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