Creative design connects & inspires.
Let’s connect with your clients, communicate your vision and inspire your communities.

Whether you are a start-up beginning the process of creating your identity, or an organisation struggling with a brand that no longer supports your needs, together we can take the first steps to creating a brand you can be proud of.

We start by working from the inside out; really understanding your purpose and what makes you and your organisation unique. By communicating not only what you do but why you do it, we will create a powerful and purposeful brand that works for you.

| Brand naming
| Logo & identity design
| Colour pallette and fonts
| Illustration
| Brand guidelines

Ready to begin? Book a complimentary consultation…

At its heart design is all about problem solving. What do you need to communicate and which is the most effective way to reach your community or potential clients?

From brochures to packaging, social media assets to exhibition displays, campaign posters to annual reports, business cards to magazine design; we can talk through your needs, however big or small, and create the elements that best support your brand.

| Business cards and stationery
| Print and digital campaigns
| Social media assets
| Brochures, leaflets and annual reports
| Magazines and ebooks
| Packaging
| Displays and exhibitions

Need some advice? Get in touch…


If a picture paints a thousand words then creating the perfect style of illustration and graphics for your brand can really help to tell your story; from infographics to icons, patterns to hand lettering.

I create graphics and illustrations combined with playful typography that support your message and create a personal connection with your brand.

| Digital illustration
| Patterns and textures
| Icons
| Hand drawn typography

Find out about special rates for start-ups and charities…


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